New Study on Employee Rewards Model and Its Impact on Employee Turnover

A new study interpreted by Dr. David (DK) Kryscynski, Associate Professor of Human Resource Management at Rutgers University and an expert in strategic human capital and non-monetary incentives, reveals that employees using Salt have a 62% lower turnover rate than non-users. Using data from over 61,000 employees across six industries, the research reveals a compelling correlation between Salt adoption and use and lower turnover rates especially for hourly employees  — offering valuable insights for companies looking to build long-term workforce stability.

What you can expect to learn from the Whitepaper:

  • Why Salt users have a 62% lower turnover rate than non-users, leading to stronger workforce stability and reduced hiring costs.
  • The financial impact of turnover reduction on companies, including potential six-figure savings in hiring and training costs per location .
  • Why almost a quarter of respondents state that they’re able to build savings for the first time since earning Salt.

Don’t miss out on these insights — download the full whitepaper now.

Meet our experts

David (DK) Kryscynski

Associate Professor of Human Resources, Rutgers University. Read more about David here.

Konstantin Getmanchuk

Head of Product, Chime Enterprise

Download the whitepaper: Unlocking Employee Retention— Reducing Turnover With Salt Rewards Platform